Here are some articles concerning the MBA architects in London, Wimbledon on the topic of education
Education portfolio of MBA with an introduction by Marcus Beale
Read more.UCS sports pavilion – update
The University College School sports facility at Ranulf Road is now taking shape, and we can begin to appreciate the dynamic seen from afar.
A single facade of three buildings: grounds maintenance barn at the extreme west of the site, western and eastern pavilions: changing rooms at ground, viewing platforms above. Pivot between. Like a torch with an adjustable head. Since they face south, the viewing balconies have overhanging eaves with a pointed visor like a baseball cap to bring the pitches visually closer. The play, the grass, glows more than the sky. Form follows attitude and orientation. Since a footpath runs under the building it will, unusually, be experienced by a large number of people on foot, bicycle and horse. Where the pavilion bridges the footpath the bridge is kept to a minimum. Sky views are maximised to avoid any hint of a tunnel. Glitz, a wall of shimmering stainless steel mesh on the south elevation of the bridge, and two purpose designed graffiti walls make this potentially enjoyable. The forms change as the observer moves around. The pavilion is designed to be seen from all around. It has attitudes to where and how it faces. The site is north of Hampstead Cemetery.
Due to complete Winter 2018.
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