06. Architects Appointment

This is an indicative small works architects appointment based closely on the RIBA Architects Appointment – small works 1990 edition. It is intended for the benefit of both client and architect, and consists of four related parts:

  • Architects’ Services
  • Other Services
  • Conditions of Appointment
  • Recommended Fees and Expenses

There are other forms of architects appointment, for example RIBA SFA/99, which MBA normally use. This is similar in the essential elements, but Small Works 1990 is the simplest and clearest.

It is intended for use where the scope of the works and the architect’s services are such that extensive consultants’ services are not required and where the total construction cost will not normally exceed £200,000. For more complex projects a fuller Architects Appointment should be used.

Architects provide a variety of services to meet the individual requirements of their clients. Client and architect should at the outset discuss the client’s requirements, the services to be provided, responsibilities and fees. These should be stated in the Schedule of Services and Fees and referred to in the Memorandum of Agreement. Alternatively, they should be stated in a letter of appointment.