Working With MBA
General Notes
People we like to work with are:
- good sketchers
- computer literate
- humane: making good working relationships with their clients, fellow professionals, and builders
- respectful of other people’s time
- efficient and well organised
- presentable
- low ego & high professionalism
- good designers, not quirky or wacky, but sensible and economic with materials in poetic ways
- lateral thinkers
- fun
- teachers.
MBA is an equal opportunities employer.
Working Opportunities:
- direct client contact, job running serious jobs
- responsibility
- an architecture of empowerment and ownership.
Work Benefits:
- pleasant office
- small talented team who get on well together
- good clients
- all architecture
- 30 year old award winning practice with established track record
- opportunity to develop existing strengths and move into new areas
- located in central Wimbledon 3 minutes from train/tram/tube.
Ten Criteria for Good Work
[See ‘Project good work’, Industrial Mission in Finland, 2000]
- Produces things of real value.
- Respects dignity of every human being.
- Is service to your neighbour/colleague.
- Gives you the opportunity to fulfil your vocation, but respects that you also have other vocations.
- Doesn’t make too many demands on creation.
- Gives adequate income and good working conditions.
- Gives the possibility to influence working practices and the rhythm of work.
- Enables adequate rest and relaxation.
- Affirms each member of the working community or network.
- Enables a good balance between work and family life.