Working With MBA

General Notes

People we like to work with are:

  • good sketchers
  • computer literate
  • humane: making good working relationships with their clients, fellow professionals, and builders
  • respectful of other people’s time
  • efficient and well organised
  • presentable
  • low ego & high professionalism
  • good designers, not quirky or wacky, but sensible and economic with materials in poetic ways
  • lateral thinkers
  • fun
  • teachers.

MBA is an equal opportunities employer.

Working Opportunities:

  • direct client contact, job running serious jobs
  • responsibility
  • an architecture of empowerment and ownership.

Work Benefits:

  • pleasant office
  • small talented team who get on well together
  • good clients
  • all architecture
  • 30 year old award winning practice with established track record
  • opportunity to develop existing strengths and move into new areas
  • located in central Wimbledon 3 minutes from train/tram/tube.

Ten Criteria for Good Work

[See ‘Project good work’, Industrial Mission in Finland, 2000]


  1. Produces things of real value.
  2. Respects dignity of every human being.
  3. Is service to your neighbour/colleague.
  4. Gives you the opportunity to fulfil your vocation, but respects that you also have other vocations.
  5. Doesn’t make too many demands on creation.
  6. Gives adequate income and good working conditions.
  7. Gives the possibility to influence working practices and the rhythm of work.
  8. Enables adequate rest and relaxation.
  9. Affirms each member of the working community or network.
  10. Enables a good balance between work and family life.